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Yukong Zhao presents “Post COVID-19 Era & Chinese Americans” (05/24/2020 4pm)

Writer's picture: Wenyuan WuWenyuan Wu

On 05/09/2020, Mr. Yukong Zhao, co-founder of Chinese Americans United for America (CAUFA), gave a public speech titled "Chinese Americans: Historical Challenges, Post COVID-19 Era and The Way Forward". Mr. Zhao's presentation was featured during the "Celebration on the 151st Anniversary of the Transcontinental Railroad", which was co-organized by CAUFA. In his speech, Mr. Zhao discussed traditional challenges facing Chinese Americans in history and during the COVID-19 pandemic, as well as the impact on Chinese Americans in the post COVID-19 era.

From a strategic perspective, Mr. Zhao's speech examined far-reaching impacts of the evolving US-China relations and the new global order on Chinese Americans. His presentation was well received by an engaging audience. Thanks to the warm reception and positive feedback regarding the speech on 05/09, Mr. Zhao will give another presentation on the same topic on 05/24/2020. We cordially welcome you to participate in this highly expected event, as part of a series of events to honor the Asian and Pacific Islander American Heritage Month. You can see below the meeting time and dial-in details.

Time: Sunday, May 24th, 2020, 4 PM (Eastern Time).

Chinese Americans United for America 共同创建人赵宇空先生于五月九日在纪念美国大陆铁路建立151周年活动中发表 “Chinese Americans: Historical Challenges, Post COVID-19 Era and The Way Forward”讲演。赵宇空先生在讲演中分析新冠病毒前后华人在美国所面临的历史性的挑战,后新冠时代的特征及其对华人的意义,并提出华人如何成功应对这一历史变革的一系列建议。



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